"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy First Father's Day Daddy! Thank you for loving me and mommy and doing so many wonderful things for us! Thank you for all the things you do for me like helping mommy give me my bath, singing to me, talking to me, taking me on long walks, showing me your garden- I really like your Atlantic Giant pumpkin, changing my diaper, and loving me so much! You're the best daddy!
Love and Prayers,
Your Caroline

We spent this past week like every other second week in June at the Nazarene church camp in Batesburg at the Leviner Cabin. This year like all the rest was filled with great fun and this year was even more fun with Caroline! It was nice seeing friends that you haven't seen since last church camp. I met several friends of the Leviners that told me how much they enjoyed reading updates on the blog about Caroline. How sweet!! Some families even used the week as their vacation from work instead of going to the beach! This was the first year that I didn't get to hang out much with our church's (Sam's home church in O'burg) youth group and youth leaders but I had a very good reason- little Miss Caroline was in tow and I wasn't putting her on a golf cart for our usual midday "drives" around the campgrounds and on old dirt roads for fun- sorry guys maybe next year. All in all it was a time to focus on one's relationship with God, to come closer to Him, to relax and get refreshed in His word. I always enjoy church camp so much and I look forward to going each and every year! Caroline did very well in the am and pm services. Even on teen night when the music got a little loud she did great- however Sam and I decided that it would be best to take her out during that time- the music was way to loud for her little ears. I'm inviting everyone that reads this blog entry to next year's camp- June 20-27, 2010!

Last Sunday, June 14th, was not only a fun day for me and Caroline but also for a friend of mine, Liz! Some close friends gave Liz a baby shower and we all had so much fun seeing each other and adoring the ones that brought their little ones! These are the same gals that I grew up with and its so sweet seeing us with babies of our own! It was such a nice occassion because I haven't seen Liz in a while and seeing her pregnant was so cute! I can't wait to meet little Miss Neeley Anne!

A note to daddy from Caroline!

Happy first Father's Day Daddy! I love you!
Happy 12 weeks Caroline!

Caroline enjoying the Saturday afternoon
cookout at camp!

Sweet girl!

So sleepy but oh so cute!

All camped out!

This tummy time has my hair all wild!

I love sleeping photos like this of our girl!

Daddy kissing the little one good night!

This was the first time she actually took her
paci out and tried to put it back in- she for the
most part was successful!

Still trying to get that paci back in!

Happy little girl!

Glad to be back in the cabin
after my nice walk with mommy!

Daddy getting my toesies!

Lookin' like her mommy!

No more pictures mommy, ok!

Happy girl!

This is how our little one likes to

This is how mommy and daddy woke up
one morning and found me sleeping!

The Leviners at the Leviner family cabin!

Talking to Granddaddy!

Liking my new paci!

Raven (Aunt Rae) and Caroline at
Liz's baby shower! Happy 11 weeks

Liz and Caroline! Liz you're going to
make a great mommy!

This is the ABC book that my children
made and presented to me on the last
days of school!

Thanks Lambs!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

We've been very busy during the last couple of days! Last Thursday and Friday I headed to school to get my room ready for the summer. My long term sub, Shirley Smith, did an awesome job with my children while I was out on maternity leave and even helped me arrange the room for summer break- Thank you so much Shirley for everything! I told Shirley she had to hang around for at least four more years for baby number two.
While I was at school on Thursday, Caroline's Grand kept her. Caroline had a great time as did Grand! Thank you, thank you, thank you Grand! Grand also came back up on Monday to spend the night so she could keep Caroline while I attended an all day math workshop on Tuesday. They just had so much fun together!
Friday was the last day of school for the children and I enjoyed spending the last few hours of school with my Lambs. The last day of school is always so emotional for me. As usual, I got teary eyed as I was hugging each of them as they walked out our classroom as a Leviner's Lamb for the very last time. This was the best class ever and I'm going to miss each and every one of them. I'm a writer of notes and cards, etc. so in their summer packet I gave them fancy paper along with my address and I promised them that if they wrote to me I'd write back. During our last few minutes together the Lambs presented to me an ABC book that they made and dedicated to Caroline. It was the best gift ever and it'll be one that I'll treasure forever.

On last Saturday, Sam's Aunt Paulette was surprised when she realized that the "arrival" party for Caroline was actually her very own surprise 60th birthday party. This was so much fun and it was nice seeing everyone. Caroline spent a lot of time outside during the party and she seemed to enjoy it!

On Sunday, we went to my mom's and PC's house in Chester and enjoyed a cookout! This too was a lot of fun! Caroline was loved on by her Nanny, Aunt Rhonda, Uncle D, and first cousins Courtney and Kelsey!

Caroline also turned ten weeks on Sunday. Each week seems to go by so fast and comes and goes with so many new things that Caroline is doing!
Here's an update on our big girl:
- She can roll onto one side
- She's getting better control of her head
- She can turn her head from left to right
- She giggles, laughs, smiles, and squeals all day long
- She's learning to hold onto things however she can't control what she has in her hand
- She loves being read to
- She loves to "sing" and "talk" back when we sing or talk to her
- She's sleeping six to seven hours at night- I'm no longer waking her up every four hours to eat
- She loves to suck her fingers, hands, and fists- she actually prefers these over her paci
- She is awake for longer periods during the day while taking cap naps throughout. We're trying
to get her use to her crib so I'll put her in it for naps but she sleeps no longer than 10 or so
minutes and then she starts to laugh, giggle, and squeal and so I just have to pick her up
because I don't want to miss those moments! She will sleep longer in her swing or while being

Caroline with her Uncle D!

Daddy and Caroline!

Caroline getting some daddy love!

Happy ten weeks Caroline!

The Leviners! Caroine is 9 weeks 6 days!

Happy 60th Birthday Aunt Paulette!


Alana enjoying the water from the sprinkler!


Aunt Sue and Alana!

Uncle Jerry and Aunt Ann!

Paulette enjoying her memories scrapbook!
Friends and Family!

Sweet Caroline! Our little cupcake!

Sucking on those hands!

Sweet girl!

Give me that smile!


What are you doing girlie!

Love those baby feet!

So sweet!

So Sleepy!

I love sucking my thumb aunt Melinda!

Such a happy girl! We love you!