Miss Caroline loves loves loves Ms. Leah, her husband, Mr. Brian, and their children, Christopher, Whitney, and Metta! She loves that Whitney can twirl her hair and tries her best to mimmick her! She loves when Metta and Christopher play with her on the playground, especially the trampoline! Caroline has gone to Ms. Leah's twice this summer to play with her friends and both times she's gone swimming in Ms. Leah's water pool (ha, at the time of publishing, Ms. C's been several more times)! Here's a few pics of their fun along with Whitney trying to help them learn how to swim! I love how Ms. Leah invests in her "babies" and takes them on "field trips" to their Christmas tree farm and to the water pool!
Whitney, Caroline, and Caroline's prince Lucas!
The princess on her float with her prince by her side!
There's Joel swimming too!
Joel, Caroline, Lucas, and Whitney!