Triplet Birthdays...
Not really but our niece, Samantha, and nephews, Silas and Christian celebrated their recent birthdays with one party! It was a lot of fun celebrating their birthdays this way! Samantha, the oldest cousin of Sam's siblings' children, has an August birthday. Silas and Christian are a year and a day apart with their birthdays being Oct. 20th and Oct. 21st! We have never celebrated their birthdays this way but I think their parents should make it a tradition. As C gets older and with each of their birthday parties, she has so much fun celebrating and seeing them!
Silas! He's so photogenic! He's a cool kid!
He's also very cute, too! He's loving and oh so sweet!
We can't leave his house without giving him a hug first!
Silas just turned 7!
Franklin is 4! Although we celebrated his birthday
in April, he still had a great time celebrating his big
brother's and cousins, Samantha and Christian's, birthdays!
He loves Caroline. He is like his big sister, Anna, in that he
sees after Caroline and he plays with her! Franklin likes to
play and he loves explaining things!
Anna! She is the big sister of Silas and Franklin!
Anna is 8! She is nurturing and always sees about
Caroline when she's around! She is absolutely presh!
C with Aunt Missi!
C with Uncle Jason! Jason is also a pastor!
Don't know if I've shared this part about him before!
Recently, he preached at his and Sam's home
church in Orangeburg, where their grandfather
started 53 years ago. His sermon
was phenomenal!
Caroline throwing darts to pop a balloon!
This little girl wants to be big just like her
first cousins!
Samantha wearing part of the pinata as a hat!
She is 9 and gorgeous! She loves to read and
she loves her cousins! She adores her
Uncle Sam, too!
Samantha and Caroline!
They are hilarious wearing
their funny hats and glasses!
Christian! He's 8! He's sweet and very
sensitive! He loves to read like his big sister,
Samantha! He enjoys drawing! He's very smart, too!
C being sneaky! She thought no one saw
her climbing up the steps of the swingset
to sneak a piece of the pinata candy that she grabbed!
This might be what those "sneakcrets" are all about...HMMM!
C the littlest Leviner cousin! She is 2.5!
She is spunky, delightful, and smart!
She is busy, strong willed, and precious!
She is loved by all of her big Leviner cousins!
Anna and Samantha!
The Leviner First Cousins!